The National Bariatric Surgery Registry is the result of a collaboration between ALSGBI (Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland), AUGIS (Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery), BOMSS (British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society) and Dendrite Clinical Systems. The key objective of the registry is to accumulate sufficient data to allow the publication of a comprehensive report on outcomes following bariatric surgery. This will include reportage on weight loss, co-morbidity and improvement of quality of life.

NBSR Committee members

Ahmed Ahmed
BOMSS Secretary, Trustee, Council member, NBSR Committee, Endoscopy Committee
Consultant in upper gastrointestinal surgery and Lead Bariatric Surgeon
Imperial College London / Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Waleed Al-Khyatt
NBSR Committee member
Clinical lead, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon
University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Trust

Andrew Currie
NBSR Committee member, Endoscopy Committee member
RCS Senior Clinical Fellow in Bariatric Surgery
Somerset Foundation Trust

Naveed Hossain
NBSR Committee member
Post-CCT Fellow in Bariatric Surgery
Homerton University Hospital

Guy Holt
NBSR Committee member,
Associate Nutritionist
East Midlands Bariatric & Metabolic Institute

Nadya Isack
NBSR Committee member,
Patient Advocate For People Living With Obesity
Obesity Empowerment Network

Alex Miras
NBSR Committee member,
Professor of Endocrinology Ulster University Visiting Professor of Endocrinology Imperial College London

Chetan Parmar
BOMSS Educational Lead, Council member, Patient Safety Committee, NBSR Committee
Consultant Bariatric/UGI and General Surgeon & Clinical Lead
The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, London

Chris Pring
BOMSS Council member, Patient Safety Committee member, NBSR Committee
Bariatric Surgeon
St Richard's Hospital, Chichester

Richard Welbourn
NBSR Committee, Trustee,
Bariatric and upper GI Surgeon
Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton